Development Session Extended 1-4pm  Sunday 22nd April and Sunday 28th April 


Due to the cancelation of the session on the 4th of March we are going to extend our reaming 2 sessions to ensure the kids receive the maximum opportunity they can.



Cricket Forth Valley AGM

Date: 15th November 2017

Venue: Stirling County Cricket Club

Time: 6.30 pm



Follow link for future dates and venues for meetings

For past minutes please follow this link 'download's

Cricket Forth Valley is committed to the development and management of cricket in the Forth Valley.


 The outcomes of our projects will be further reaching in terms of improving health and well-being, acquiring essential life-skills, including communication, social tolerance, team-work and self-discipline:


·    To help address the inconsistencies in the provision and delivery of physical education in rural communities

·         To attract children and young people to participate in community cricket

·         To teach children essential life skills including communication, social tolerance, team-work and self-discipline

·         To encourage participation into adulthood either as players, coaches, officials or volunteers

·         To encourage a positive collaboration between communities, local authorities, organisations, schools and the sports governing body in the provision of cricket.


There will be no barriers to participation based on gender, ability, ethnicity, social or economic background, religion or any other reason.  Cricket has broad appeal as a sport, there is no cost to participate and gender, age, physical attributes and social or economic circumstances are immaterial to participating. At community level cricket offers the following:


* the 'spirit' of cricket and its positive values and behaviours

* its community base, participation, orientation and its rural and urban reach

* a family sport - socially inclusive where participants develop life skills

* its availability to all ages, cultures and ethnic groups, playing together

* its vitality and currency - a growing sport through youth, women, ethnic communities

* its enjoyment for spectators

* its diversity of competition formats